Management of a subtidal ecological monitoring project, Galapagos Marine Reserve



As a senior marine biologist, I coordinated the subtidal ecological monitoring of the Galapagos Marine Reserve for the management of the new zoning of the Galapagos Marine Reserve. This program is essential to monitor temporal and spatial patterns in the marine communities of the Galapagos Marine Reserve.


Key Elements:

  • Organization of the monitoring action plan among interested parties: Conservation International, Galapagos National Park, World Wildlife Fund & Charles Darwin Foundation.
  • Coordination of monitoring campaigns.
  • Monitoring in the Galapagos Marine Reserve: fish, macroinvertebrates, corals.


Notable Achievements:


  • The science of climate change and its management in the CMAR region. July 26-29, 2017. Workshop. Charles Darwin Foundation and Galapagos National Park.
  • José Marin Jarrin, Patricia Marti-Puig, Johana Carrion, Walter Bustos, Arturo Izurieta. Impacts of climate change in the tropical Eastern Pacific, with particular emphasis on the Galapagos Marine Reserve (knowledge cafe). IMPAC4 4-12 September 2017. La Serena-Coquimbo, Chile.



  • Charles Darwin Foundation
Logo Charles Darwin Foundation

More projects

Oceanogami – Teambuilding activities with Hi-Cone with waste collection and awareness about the state of sea turtles

Oceanogami – Workshops with SPA/RAC on MPA management and Natural Capital Workshop in Turkey

Participation in the coastal ecology study at Bangor University, United Kingdom

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