Monitoring of Marine Protected Areas of the Mediterranean Sea (MMMPA)



Key Elements:

  • Investigated how marine populations are connected between the marine protected areas of the Mediterranean.
  • Studied the genetic diversity and connectivity of Patella sp. and other marine invertebrates among four MPAs using genetic markers (mitochondrial and microsatellites).
  • At the end of the project, we developed a guide for the development of management plans for Mediterranean MPAs.


Notable Achievements:

  • Marty Puig, Patricia. Genetic and morphological characteristics of Patella Caerulea and Patella Rustica in the protected marine areas of the Mediterranean. Doctoral Thesis (2016). University of Bologna.
  • Patricia Marti-Puig, Federica Costantini, Luca Rugiu, Massimo Ponti and Marco Abbiati. Patterns of genetic connectivity in invertebrates of temperate AMP networks. Advances in Oceanography and Limnology. Volume 4, Issue 2, November 2013.
  • P. Martí-Puig. Progress in the Galapagos Marine Reserve Seamounts project (under research permit PC-51-17). Report for the Galapagos National Park. December 2017.
  • P. Marti-Puig, A. Calò, M. Ponti, F. Costantini, A. Villamor, M. Abbiati and J. García-Charton, 2016. Guidelines on genetic connectivity as a tool to evaluate the effectiveness of marine protected areas. Rap. Com. In t. Mer Medit., 41: 548.
  • Patricia Marti-Puig, Antonio Calò, Federica Costantini, Adriana Villamor, Marco Abbiati, Massimo Ponti, Jose Chartón (2016), pp. 80-87. Genetic connectivity and diversity as a tool to evaluate the effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas. In: MMMPA Supervisory Board (Eds)
  • Monitoring Mediterranean marine protected areas: a set of guidelines to support the development of management plans. Deliverable from the European MMMPA project (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN g.a. no.: 290056). Ancona, 116 pages.



  • Monitoring Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (MMMPA) Programme

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